2008年10月21日 星期二


Romer's Tree Frog (Philautus romeri) is endemic to Hong Kong.


(1) 本地樹蛙 外藉命名 ?
Romer's Tree Frog was first discovered by the late J. D. Romer, an
amateur herpetologist, in 1952.
(2) 自生自滅 死裡翻生 ?
Once thought to be extinct, Romer's Tree Frog was re-discovered on
Lamma Island in 1984; then, on Lantau, Chek Lap Kok and Po Toi Islands.
(3) 機場發展逼遷,中轉及跨區安置 ?
Construction of airport has resulted in the near complete destruction of the natural habitats on Chek Lap Kok. A rescue operation was mounted, with about 500 tree frogs and tadpoles captured and kept inside aquariums in the University of Hong Kong and Melbourne Zoo in Australia. Small pioneer colonies of Romer's Tree Frog were translocated to similar habitats through the Hong Kong SAR. The re-introduced tree frogs have in general successfully adapted and have been breeding in their new environments.
還是 (4)其他理由 ?

[edited excerpt above from http://www.wwf.org.hk/eng/pdf/references/factsheets/factsheet17.PDF]

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